Lachin Fernando
Machine Learning Engineer
I am Lachin from Panadura and I am 25 years old. I am currently a final year undergraduate from Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. I am a self learner who interests in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning Engineer
What does a typical day working for AIClub look like for you?
I engage with the engineering team and collaborate on continuous development of the product development by bugs fixing, feature enhancements and new feature implementations as well as instructing students on machine learning.
It is such great experience to work with supportive team members. Daily syncs are much helpful to take up the tasks and discuss any issues and share the knowledge and experiences. Instructing students on machine learning is an inspiring opportunity to master the field.
What encouraged you to choose AIClub?
I am really interested in instructing machine learning and also in developing. AIClub is the best opportunity for me to become expertise in both fields.
What do you love most about your job?
Instructing students
What's the best advice you've ever gotten?
Consistency is the key to success.
What does success mean to you?
Learning new skills while enjoying the life
What's a unique or interesting fact that most people would not know about you?
I am a professional gamer.
Who inspires you?
Dr. Angshuman Ghosh
What's your all-time favorite movie and why?
This is hard. Will go with Forrest Gump. Why?: It is about the life