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AIClub Blogs


Aug 3, 202116 min read
Learning about AI Ethics: For Middle School, High School, and Other Kids
As AI becomes more prevalent and a part of everyday life, there are many questions that we need to ask ourselves about the ethics of AI -...

Aug 3, 202112 min read
Learning about Data Science Careers: For Middle School, High School and other Kids
Data Science (a part of Artificial Intelligence) is one of the fastest-growing careers in technology and the world in general. In this...

Jul 18, 20214 min read
AI activities for kids and the classroom: Top 10 Hands-On Activities (Both Online and Unplugged!)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is all around our kids, yet not so much in their classrooms. In this blog we outline a set of 10 activities...

Jul 15, 20212 min read
What is Python for High School Students? Answers to common questions and 5 cool starter projects
Python is one of the most versatile programming languages in the world today and is a great language for high school students to learn...

Jul 15, 20212 min read
Build a Sentiment Analysis app with AI and Python - cool starter project for Middle/High School
Want to get started building AI apps? At AIClub we have helped thousands of kids who have gone on to build many thousands of apps with...

Jul 15, 20212 min read
Python and Data Science - A cool starter project for middle school and high schoolers
In our modern world, data is being gathered every day from websites, sensors, our phones, and more. Data Science is the practice of...

Jul 14, 20211 min read
Congratulations Project CS Girls Finalists!
An AIClub team (Team MDS - Meenakshi, Danika, and Shriya) was selected as finalists in the 2021 Project CS Girls Competition for their...

Jul 12, 20214 min read
High School Computer Science Projects: Questions, Answers, and 5 Cool Project Ideas
High school is a great time to explore career choices. Computer Science offers many career options and is foundational to many others...

Jul 12, 20212 min read
So Your Kid Wants to Build an App? A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Apps have become very popular over the last few years, and kids today use many apps, either on their computer or on a phone, to do...

Jul 11, 20214 min read
Deep Learning for High School Students: What you should know
Deep Learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence that has gained popularity in recent years because of how well it can handle...

Jul 11, 20212 min read
AI for Kids in Canada: Bringing AI for K12 to Canadian Middle School and High School Kids
EPIC Generation has partnered with AIClub to bring Artificial Intelligence classes to the Toronto and broader Canada K-12 student...

Jul 8, 20214 min read
Teaching AI to Elementary School and Primary School Kids: What you should know
Artificial Intelligence is all around us. From something as simple as auto-correct on any phone, that can help complete messages...

Jul 8, 20212 min read
Congratulations - Technovation Girls Finalists!
Congratulations to AIClub teams COLBY and MDS, who have both been named finalists in the Technovation Girls 2021 worldwide competition!...

Jul 6, 20214 min read
AI and Machine Learning for High School Students: What you should know
We answer questions like: What is AI for High School vs Machine Learning for High School? What AI projects can I do in High School? What mak

Jun 22, 20212 min read
New to AI? Three things you should know
This article is the first in our series on AI Literacy, where we explain basic AI concepts so that everyone can understand what AI is and...

Jun 21, 20211 min read
More Kids are using AI to win Middle School and High School Science Fair Projects!
At AIClub, we are seeing more and more kids being able to use AI to build distinctive and innovative projects even before college....

May 22, 20212 min read
What is the “Junk Food” of code? Developing healthy coding habits for K-12
It's pretty universally understood that coding is a critical skill for future jobs. But what code? Parents and teachers alike are trying...

Mar 17, 20212 min read
Want to Start Your Kid Coding? How to Build a Lifelong Love of Coding
Coding is the new language of communication. Many articles have been written about the value of coding for kids. What I would like to...

Dr. Nisha Talagala
Mar 8, 20212 min read
Can kids love STEM the way they love Roblox? Enter Artificial Intelligence
Kids these days have no shortage of exciting distractions. With so many TV programs, games, videos, and chat apps available - how can we...

Feb 18, 20212 min read
Programming for Kids: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
I am a software engineer and the mom of a 12 year old. I also teach programming and artificial intelligence to kids from grades 4–12....
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