Congratulations to 11th grader Aryan for winning a finalist spot at the 2022 BioGenius Challenge!
What is the BioGENEius Challenge?
Sponsored by the BioTechnology Institute, the BioGENEius Challenge is an annual competition where high school students can compete and be recognized for outstanding research in BioTechnology. BioTechnology - the intersection of Biology, Chemistry, and Computer Science, is a fast-growing field as computer science (and artificial intelligence) show potential for solving a wide array of biomedical, healthcare, environmental, and agricultural fields.
What is the project?
Aryan did an advanced project in environmental science where he developed a novel AI pipeline to detect greenhouse gas emissions from satellite imagery and global weather data. With Aryan's solution, we can monitor the worldwide growth of greenhouse gas emissions, a critical element to manage to protect our environment. You can find more information about the project here.
How can other students do similar projects?
These projects, once the domain of only universities and advanced research labs, are now available to students due to the availability of public datasets (such as the LANDSAT satellite imagery data set), availability of easy-to-access cloud computing resources, and advanced AI techniques that are still relatively easy to code. In the AIClub Research Institute, students learn the techniques and skills needed to define and complete a project of their choice by leveraging these resources. They can then submit these projects to internationally renowned competitions for recognition of their hard work.
You can learn more about the AIClub Research Institute and other student successes here.