AIClub Blogs
Generating Python Code for Data Science: A resource for teachers and high school students
Tips and Tricks: Using DICOM Images for High School AI Science Fair Projects
AI activities for kids and the classroom: Top 10 Hands-On Activities (Both Online and Unplugged!)
Build a Sentiment Analysis app with AI and Python - cool starter project for Middle/High School
Python and Data Science - A cool starter project for middle school and high schoolers
Congratulations Project CS Girls Finalists!
Deep Learning for High School Students: What you should know
Teaching AI to Elementary School and Primary School Kids: What you should know
Congratulations - Technovation Girls Finalists!
AI for Medicine and Healthcare: Projects for Middle School and High School kids
AI and Machine Learning for High School Students: What you should know
More Kids are using AI to win Middle School and High School Science Fair Projects!
YouTube View Prediction with Machine Learning
An AI To Identify the Bill or Coin
Smart Waste Sorter
Anika's Diabetic Eye Disease Diagnosing AI
The Success Of Tomato Genius
Breast Cancer Detection using AI
AI for Disaster Response
An app to give food recommendations using an AI with python!